Dos 2 Death Wish

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A “denial of service” or DoS attack is used to tie up a website’s resources so that users who need to access the site cannot do so. Many major companies have been the focus of DoS attacks. Because a DoS attack can be easily engineered from nearly any location, finding those responsible can be extremely difficult.

A bit of history: The first DoS attack was done by 13-year-old David Dennis in 1974. Dennis wrote a program using the “external” or “ext” command that forced some computers at a nearby university research lab to power off.

DoS attacks have evolved into the more complex and sophisticated “distributed denial of service” (DDoS) attacks. The biggest attack ever recorded — at that time — targeted code-hosting-service GitHub in 2018. We’ll discuss DDoS attacks in greater detail later in this article.

Attackers include hacktivists (hackers whose activity is aimed at promoting a social or political cause), profit-motivated cybercriminals, and nation states.

Denial of service attacks explained

DoS attacks generally take one of two forms. They either flood web services or crash them.
Flooding attacks

Flooding is the more common form DoS attack. It occurs when the attacked system is overwhelmed by large amounts of traffic that the server is unable to handle. The system eventually stops.
An ICMP flood — also known as a ping flood — is a type of DoS attack that sends spoofed packets of information that hit every computer in a targeted network, taking advantage of misconfigured network devices.

A SYN flood is a variation that exploits a vulnerability in the TCP connection sequence. This is often referred to as the three-way handshake connection with the host and the server. Here’s how it works:

The targeted server receives a request to begin the handshake. But, in a SYN flood, the handshake is never completed. That leaves the connected port as occupied and unavailable to process further requests. Meanwhile, the cybercriminal continues to send more and more requests, overwhelming all open ports and shutting down the server.

Crash attacks

Crash attacks occur less often, when cybercriminals transmit bugs that exploit flaws in the targeted system. The result? The system crashes.

Crash attacks — and flooding attacks — prevent legitimate users from accessing online services such as websites, gaming sites, email, and bank accounts.

How a DoS attack works

Unlike a virus or malware, a DoS attack doesn’t depend on a special program to run. Instead, it takes advantage of an inherent vulnerability in the way computer networks communicate.

Here’s an example. Suppose you wish to visit an e-commerce site in order to shop for a gift. Your computer sends a small packet of information to the website. The packet works as a “hello” – basically, your computer says, “Hi, I’d like to visit you, please let me in.”

When the server receives your computer’s message, it sends a short one back, saying in a sense, “OK, are you real?” Your computer responds — “Yes!” — and communication is established.

The website’s homepage then pops up on your screen, and you can explore the site. Your computer and the server continue communicating as you click links, place orders, and carry out other business.

Dos 2 Death Wish

In a DoS attack, a computer is rigged to send not just one “introduction” to a server, but hundreds or thousands. The server — which cannot tell that the introductions are fake — sends back its usual response, waiting up to a minute in each case to hear a reply. When it gets no reply, the server shuts down the connection, and the computer executing the attack repeats, sending a new batch of fake requests.

DoS attacks mostly affect organizations and how they run in a connected world. For consumers, the attacks hinder their ability to access services and information.

Other types of attacks: DDoS

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks represent the next step in the evolution of DoS attacks as a way of disrupting the Internet. Cybercrimininals began using DDoS attacks around 2000.

Here’s why DDoS attacks have become the weapon of choice for disrupting networks, servers, and websites.

The attacks use large numbers of compromised computers, as well as other electronic devices — such as webcams and smart televisions that make up the ever-increasing Internet of Things — to force the shutdown of the targeted website, server or network.

Security vulnerabilities in Internet-of-Things devices can make them accessible to cybercriminals seeking to anonymously and easily launch DDoS attacks.
In contrast, a DoS attack generally uses a single computer and a single IP address to attack its target, making it easier to defend against.

How to help prevent DoS attacks

If you rely on a website to do business, you probably want to know about DoS attack prevention.

A general rule: The earlier you can identify an attack-in-progress, the quicker you can contain the damage. Here are some things you can do.

Method 1: Get help recognizing attacks

Companies often use technology or anti-DDoS services to help defend themselves. These can help you recognize between legitimate spikes in network traffic and a DDoS attack.

Method 2: Contact your Internet Service provider


If you find your company is under attack, you should notify your Internet Service Provider as soon as possible to determine if your traffic can be rerouted. Having a backup ISP is a good idea, too. Also, consider services that can disperse the massive DDoS traffic among a network of servers. That can help render an attack ineffective.

Method 3: Investigate black hole routing

Internet service providers can use “black hole routing.” It directs excessive traffic into a null route, sometimes referred to as a black hole. This can help prevent the targeted website or network from crashing. The drawback is that both legitimate and illegitimate traffic is rerouted in the same way.

Method 4: Configure firewalls and routers

Firewalls and routers should be configured to reject bogus traffic. Remember to keep your routers and firewalls updated with the latest security patches.

Method 5: Consider front-end hardware

Application front-end hardware that’s integrated into the network before traffic reaches a server can help analyze and screen data packets. The hardware classifies the data as priority, regular, or dangerous as they enter a system. It can also help block threatening data.

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a barrier protecting a device from dangerous and unwanted communications. Here’s what you need to know.

How to help mitigate against DoS attacks and DDoS attacks

Comprehensive protection against a variety of DDoS threats such as brute force attacks, spoofing, zero-day DDoS attacks and attacks targeting DNS servers.

If you operate on a smaller scale — say, you operate a basic website offering a service — your chances of becoming a victim of a DDoS attack is probably quite low. Even so, taking certain precautions will help protect you against becoming a victim of any type of attack by hackers.

Here are a few things that can help.

  • Keep your security software, operating system, and applications updated. Security updates help patch vulnerabilities which hackers may try to exploit. Consider a trusted security software like Norton Security.
  • Consider a router that comes with built-in DDoS protection.
  • Look for a website hosting service with an emphasis on security.

Taking simple precautions can make a difference when it comes to your online security. For large organizations, the precautions become far more complex.

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Home > Love > Is Forever

The Anniversary after the death of the love of your life isa desperately sad time but death is not the end of love and it is love and thatbeautiful person that should be remembered today.


We thought long and hard before writing this article but if this helps just one person it will be worth it.

It is only natural that you will want to reach out to afriend or family member that has suffered loss and you will need to take thelead from them on how they would like to remember their love on theirAnniversary.

Some people want to be surrounded by family and friends and reminiscewith photos and memories, others may want to be alone and whichever they chooseyou may want to send them comforting words.

It is a time to remember…

He's Only Gone on Ahead

He's only gone on ahead of you,
Not just left you behind.
Although you can't be with him right now,
He lives on in your heart and mind.

The day will come when you'll meet again
On Heaven's distant shore,
And the two of you will walk hand in hand
Together forever more.

Source: LovetoKnow

'Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship unitedforever in love.' - Dottie Kinealy

'The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But,the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever.' - Unknown

Dos 2 Death Wishes

'If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.' - The Crow (1994)

You may also want to write about a special time that you allshared and how beautiful that person was, let them know that you are there forthem when they need you and that you are thinking of them today.

Just knowingthat someone is there for them will help them get through the day.

Things To Do On The Anniversary Day

To help you get through your day look for the joy in today,here are some ideas to remember your love in a special and positive way.

  • Spend time doing something that you both loved.
  • Think about volunteering to a charity that was close totheir heart.
  • Fundraise for a cause that they believed in.
  • Invite friends and family out for lunch or dinner.
  • Plant a tree or name a star in their honor
  • If they loved to paint or take photos think about putting onan exhibition of their work.
  • Do something that you always said you would do.

You may also find some peace with this article on how grief changes over the years.

Sending you much love on this Anniversary.

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