Perlcc For Perl 5.12.3 For Mac

#33168closeddefect (fixed)

  1. Perlcc For Perl 5.12.3 For Machine Learning
  2. Cached
  3. Perl58delta -
  4. See Full List On
Reported by:Owned by:macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: Cc:
Port: intltool

Description (last modified by ryandesign (Ryan Schmidt))

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by pjue2009@…

Perlcc For Perl 5.12.3 For Machine Learning

Perl extension for mac integration code GtkOSXApplication. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. Perl -MCPAN -e shell install Gtk2::OSXApplication For more. Mac OS X already has Perl installed. Open a Terminal application (in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder) and run perl -v to find out which version. ActiveState Perl has binary distributions of Perl for Mac OS X. This is the simplest way to install the latest version of Perl. Download ActivePerl. Mac OS X now builds Perl statically by default. This change was done mainly for faster startup times. The Apple-provided Perl is still dynamically linked and shared, and you can enable the sharedness for your own Perl builds by Configure -Duseshrplib. Perl has been ported to IBM's OS/400 PASE environment. To build and install Perl and many of the thousands of useful Perl modules you need to have a compiler. For macOS the easiest way to get a compiler is to install 'Command Line Tools for Xcode' (about 100 Megs), either directly or through Xcode (several Gigs), both available from Apple Developer downloads.

comment:2follow-up: 3 Changed 9 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Schmidt)

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords:intltoolrarianexpatperl5.12 removed
Summary:configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltoolintltool: configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required

comment:3 in reply to: 2 Changed 9 years ago by pjue2009@…

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by pjue2009@…

comment:5follow-up: 6 Changed 8 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

comment:6 in reply to: 5 ; follow-up: 7 Changed 8 years ago by pjue2009@…

comment:7 in reply to: 6 Changed 8 years ago by raimue (Rainer Müller)

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How do I run a Perl file in Unix?

You can do it this way,

  • Find the interpreter/executors path. In this case its /usr/bin/perl or /usr/bin/env perl.
  • Add it to the first line of the file as #!/usr/bin/perl .
  • Give execute permission to the file chmod +x

How do you run a script in Linux?

Steps to write and execute a script

  1. Open the terminal. Go to the directory where you want to create your script.
  2. Create a file with .sh extension.
  3. Write the script in the file using an editor.
  4. Make the script executable with command chmod +x <fileName>.
  5. Run the script using ./<fileName>.

What is perl command in Linux?

Perl is a programming language that can be used to perform tasks that would be difficult or cumbersome on the command line. Perl is included by default with most GNU/Linux distributions. Usually, one invokes Perl by using a text editor to write a file and then passing it to the perl program.

How do I open a PL file?

3 Answers

  • Go into Windows Explorer.
  • Find a file that ends in a *.pl suffix.
  • Right click on it and bring up the Context menu.
  • Select “Open With” (It might just be Open with an ellipse after it.
  • On the bottom of the dialog box is a checkbox (Something like open all extensions with this program).

How do I run a Perl program?

By including the shebang line and setting the executable bit ( chmod +x ), you turn the plaintext file into an executable program. Now you don’t need to include ‘perl’ on the command line to run the program (but you do need to use ./ to reference it unless this program is in a directory in your $PATH .

How do I run a Perl script in Windows?

Just open a command prompt (in Windows, just type cmd in the run dialog and press Enter. If you’re on a Mac or on Linux, open a terminal window). and press Enter. If Perl is installed, you receive a message indicating its version.

How do I run a ksh script in Linux?

1 Answer


  1. make sure that ksh is correctly installed in /bin/ksh.
  2. for executing a script run from the command-line ./script in the directory where script exist.
  3. If you want to execut the script from any directory without ./ prefix, you have to add the path to your script to the PATH environment variable, add this line.

How do I run a .sh file in Terminal?

The way professionals do it

  • Open Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.
  • Find where the .sh file. Use the ls and cd commands. ls will list the files and folders in the current folder. Give it a try: type “ls” and press Enter.
  • Run the .sh file. Once you can see for example with ls run this: ./

How do I run a file in Terminal?


  1. Press “Enter” on the keyboard after every command you enter into Terminal.
  2. You can also execute a file without changing to its directory by specifying the full path. Type “/path/to/NameOfFile” without quotation marks at the command prompt. Remember to set the executable bit using the chmod command first.

How do I print a Perl script?

To print a variable as part of a a string, just use the Perl printing syntax as shown in this example: $name = ‘Alvin’; print “Hello, world, from $name.n”; When you run this Perl script, you’ll see the following output: Hello, world, from Alvin.

How do I download from Perl?

Installing Perl on Windows (32 and 64 bit)

  • Make sure you do not have any version of Perl already installed. (
  • Download and install Padre, the Perl IDE/editor (Strawberry Perl version 5.12.3 comes as part of the install, you also get many other useful CPAN modules as well).
  • Log out and back in (or reboot)
  • Go to your start menu, then click the “Perl command” link.

What is Perl used for?

Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more.

How do I run a Perl script in Linux?

Easiest way is typing perl at the bash prompt, This runs the perl interpreter on your program. Another way is add a “shebang” (#!/usr/bin/perl) line at the beginning of your script and mark the script as executable with the “chmod” command, and then run it like any other executable script.

What is a PL file?

The PL file extension is most commonly used for source code written in the Perl programming language. This code is used to develop script and is saved in a plain text format. PL files and the scripts they contain are used for server scripting, text parsing, and server administration, as well as as CGI scripts and more.

What is Perl file extension?

List of File Extensions

File ExtensionFile Type
.plPerl script
.PLPerl script
.plcFormer build script file, now obsolete.
.pldFormer build script file, now obsolete.

160 more rows

What is Perl scripting in Linux?

Perl is a family of script programming languages that are similar in syntax to the C language, including Perl 5 and Perl 6. Perl is an open source, general-use, interpreted language. Perl includes a number of popular UNIX facilities such as sed, awk, and tr.

How do I install Perl modules?

You can enter the Perl shell to install the modules you want.

  1. perl -MCPAN -e shell.
  2. to install the module type. install module name. Example: install HTML::Template. installing the module making the shell much more user friendly.
  3. make the shell significantly more user friendly type. install Bundle::CPAN. highly recommended.

What is the use of awk command in Linux?

AWK command in Unix/Linux with examples. Awk is a scripting language used for manipulating data and generating reports.The awk command programming language requires no compiling, and allows the user to use variables, numeric functions, string functions, and logical operators.

How do I create a Perl path in Windows?

3 Answers. To get perl to be recognized, you must add C:Perl64bin to the PATH environment variable. Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables . Edit the line containing PATH in the top box marked User variables for <user> , and add ;C:Perl64bin (note the semicolon) to the end.

How do I run a Prolog file?

  • Write a prolog program as a text file with a .pl ending.
  • Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and navigate to the directory where you stored your program.
  • Open SWI-Prolog by invoking swipl .
  • In SWI-Prolog, type [program] to load the program, i.e. the file name in brackets, but without the ending.

How do I tell what version of Perl modules I have?

3 quick ways to find out the version number of an installed Perl module from the terminal

  1. Use CPAN with the -D flag. cpan -D Moose.
  2. Use a Perl one-liner to load and print the module version number.
  3. Use Perldoc with the -m flag to load the module’s source code and extract the version number.

How do I run a .RUN file in Linux?

Installing .run files in ubuntu:

  • Open a terminal(Applications>>Accessories>>Terminal).
  • Navigate to the directory of the .run file.
  • If you have your *.run in your desktop then type the following in terminal to get into Desktop and press Enter.
  • Then type chmod +x and press Enter.

How do I run code in terminal?

Perl58delta -

Follow these steps to run programs on terminal:

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Type command to install gcc or g++ complier:
  3. Now go to that folder where you will create C/C++ programs.
  4. Open a file using any editor.
  5. Add this code in the file:
  6. Save the file and exit.
  7. Compile the program using any of the following command:

How do I run a Java file in Terminal?

Just follow these simple steps:

  • From Terminal install open jdk sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk.
  • Write a java program and save the file as
  • Now to compile use this command from the terminal javac filename. java.
  • To run your program that you’ve just compiled type the command below in terminal: java filename.

Is Perl worth learning?

It’s still worth learning, at least at a basic level, such as in Learning Perl. It’s the source of pretty much all the regular expression parsers you see in Python, Ruby, etc. (PCRE = Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions). It’s not a popular language these days, because it’s hard to work collaboratively in Perl.


What can you do with Perl programming?

It also has elements of awk and sed, which is largely used in command line scripting to manipulate text. Programmers can use Perl for developing a variety of software applications. However, Perl is an interpreted programming language. The code written in Perl is compiled into byte-code.

Is Perl hard to learn?

No, Perl is easy to start learning — and easy to keep learning. It looks like most programming languages you’re likely to have experience with, so if you’ve ever written an C program, an awk script, a shell script, or even BASIC program, you’re already part way there. Don’t forget the new perl modules, either.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia”

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