How To Disable Login Requests On Mac For Scoped Bookmark Agent

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To authenticate access to OpenStack services, you must first issue anauthentication request with a payload of credentials to OpenStack Identity toget an authentication token.

Credentials are usually a combination of your user name and password,and optionally, the name or ID of the project of your cloud.Ask your cloud administrator for your user name, password, and project sothat you can generate authentication tokens. Alternatively, you cansupply a token rather than a user name and password.

When you send API requests, you include the token in the X-Auth-Tokenheader. If you access multiple OpenStack services, you must get a token foreach service. A token is valid for a limited time before it expires. A tokencan also become invalid for other reasons. For example, if the roles for auser change, existing tokens for that user are no longer valid.

Allows you to assign a new display name to a bookmark or folder. Disable/Enable Bookmark Clears or enables the check box for the selected bookmark in the Bookmarks window. Does not remove the bookmark, or alter the line of code that it marks. Disable/Enable All Bookmarks Clears or enables the check boxes for all bookmarks in the Bookmarks.

Authentication and API request workflow¶

  1. Request an authentication token from the Identity endpoint that yourcloud administrator gave you. Send a payload of credentials in therequest as shown in Authenticate. If the request succeeds, the serverreturns an authentication token.

  2. Send API requests and include the token in the X-Auth-Tokenheader. Continue to send API requests with that token until the servicecompletes the request or the Unauthorized (401) error occurs.

  3. If the Unauthorized (401) error occurs, request another token.

  • Disable Notification Center/Set Do Not Disturb to be 24hrs (Notification Center) Booting into your software. Use Login Items in Users and Groups or use a Launch Agent; Keeping the software running at all times Use a Launch Agent to start your app and have the OS keep it running; Rebooting automatically.
  • The manager computer will also respond to ARP requests on behalf of the sleeping computer and reply with the MAC address of the sleeping computer. During this process, the IP-to-MAC mapping for the sleeping computer remains the same.
  • This post shows how to disable network-level authentication to allow for RDP connections on a target device. Without RD Session Host Role. Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows 8 & Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows 10 & Windows Server 2016; With RD Session Host Role. Windows 2008/Windows.

The examples in this section use cURL commands. For information about cURL,see For information about the OpenStack APIs, seeCurrent API versions.


The payload of credentials to authenticate contains these parameters:

Credential parameters




User Domain (required)


The Domain of the user.

username (required)


The user name. If you do not provide a user name and password, youmust provide a token.

password (required)


The password for the user.

Project Domain (optional)


The Domain of the project. This is a required part of the scope object.

Project Name (optional)


The project name. Both the Project ID and Project Name are optional.

Project ID (optional)


The project ID. Both the project ID and Project Name areoptional. But one of them is required along with the ProjectDomain. They are wrapped under a scope object. If you do not knowthe project name or ID, send a request without any scope object.

In a typical OpenStack deployment that runs Identity, you can specify yourproject name, and user name and password credentials to authenticate.

First, export your project name to the OS_PROJECT_NAME environmentvariable, your project domain name to the OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAMEenvironment variable, your user name to the OS_USERNAMEenvironment variable, your password to the OS_PASSWORD environmentvariable and your user domain name to the OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAMEenvironment variable.

The example below uses an endpoint from an installation of Ocata by followingthe installation guide. However, you can also use $OS_AUTH_URL as anenvironment variable as needed to change the URL.

Then, run this cURL command to request a token:

If the request succeeds, it returns the Created(201) response codealong with the token as a value in the X-Subject-Token response header.The header is followed by a response body that has an object of typetoken which has the token expiration date and time in the form'expires_at':'datetime' along with other attributes.

The following example shows a successful response:


In the above request, the query string nocatalog is used as youjust want to get a token and do not want the service catalog(if it is available for the user) cluttering the output.If a user wants to get the service catalog, this query string neednot be appended to the URL.

Send API requests¶

This section shows how to make some basic Compute API calls. For a completelist of Compute API calls, seeCompute API.

Export the token ID to the OS_TOKEN environment variable. For example:

The token expires every hour by default,though it can be configured differently - seethe expiration option in thethe Identity Service Configuration Guide.

Export the project name to the OS_PROJECT_NAME environmentvariable. For example:

Then, use the Compute API to list flavors, substituting the ComputeAPI endpoint with one containing your project ID below:

Export the $OS_PROJECT_ID from the token call, and thenuse the Compute API to list images:

Export the $OS_PROJECT_ID from the token call, and thenuse the Compute API to list servers:

OpenStack command-line clients¶

For scripting work and simple requests, you can use a command-line client likethe openstack-client client. This client enables you to use the Identity,Compute, Block Storage, and Object Storage APIs through a command-lineinterface. Also, each OpenStack project has a related client project thatincludes Python API bindings and a command-line interface (CLI).

For information about the command-line clients, see OpenStackCommand-Line Interface Reference.

Install the clients¶

Use pip to install the OpenStack clients on a Mac OS X or Linux system. Itis easy and ensures that you get the latest version of the client from thePython Package Index. Also, pip lets youupdate or remove a package.

You must install the client for each project separately, but thepython-openstackclient covers multiple projects.

Install or update a client package:

Where PROJECT is the project name.

For example, install the openstack client:

To update the openstack client, run this command:

To remove the openstack client, run this command:

Before you can issue client commands, you must download and source theopenrc file to set environment variables.

For complete information about the OpenStack clients, including how to sourcethe openrc file, see OpenStack End User Guide,OpenStack Administrator Guide,and OpenStack Command-Line Interface Reference.

Launch an instance¶

To launch instances, you must choose a name, an image, and a flavor foryour instance.

To list available images, call the Compute API through the openstackclient:

To list flavors, run this command:

To launch an instance, note the IDs of your desired image and flavor.

To launch the my_instance instance, run the openstackservercreatecommand with the image and flavor IDs and the server name:


For information about the default ports that the OpenStack components use,see Firewalls and default portsin the OpenStack Installation Guide.

Welcome To Airmail Support site.
Is Airmail app supported on Apple M1 processor?
Yes, airmail app is supported on Apple M1 processor.
Airmail Catalina macOS 10.15 support
Airmail works correctly on macOS 10.15 Catalina, some plugins GPG and SMIME may require a new signature to works properly.
How do I add iCloud account that has two-step authentication enabled?
Please enable Two-Step verification on the iCloud accounts as Apple has made it mandatory for the Third party
Apps after June, 15
Please refer to the article here to add the iCloud account in the Airmail
Does Airmail support read receipts for iOS?
Airmail for iOS does not support read receipts from the new downloads after May 11, 2017. For users who
have bought the app before May 11, 2017 you can find the documentation here.
Does Airmail support read receipts for macOS?
​There is no inbuilt feature for read receipts in Airmail for macOS but there is a plugin available currently for
the read receipts here - plug-in.
Is Airmail app available on the Apple Watch too?
Yes, Airmail supports Apple Watch.
What does Airmail cost - Price - Pricing?
__Airmail for iOS__
Airmail for iOS will require a Premium Subscription which is US $ 9.99 per year and US $ 2.99 monthly.
Previous Users can still use the app with all the features you have purchased for and will receive updates and bugfix. New features may require a premium subscription.
- New Design
- iPad Pro Layout
- Privacy Mode
- Recent Actions
- Sort Messages
- Display labels in messages
- Send Again
- Confirmation of email address prior to sending
- Touch ID: delay before clock
- Scope Action
- All New Features
__Airmail for Mac__
Airmail Pro on Mac is free for all users that are subscribed to Airmail Pro for iOS or have purchased Airmail 3 after 1st January 2019. Previous users can still use Airmail with all the old features under Preferences > General > Airmail Legacy.
New Users can try Airmail without Multi Account, and limited capabilities.
The Airmail Pro subscription has two options:
$2.99 monthly, which offers a 3 days free trial
$9.99 annually, which renew annually.
- New Design (Pro)
- New Smart Inbox (Pro)
- New Search (Pro)
- New Themes (Pro)
- New Rendering (Pro)
- Custom Actions (Pro)
- Customizable Layout (Pro)
- Access to iPhone and iPad (Pro)
Only One Subscription is required for all of your iOS devices running the same Apple ID.
Note: Family sharing is not supported by the subscription plan.
If you have any concerns regarding the pricing model- please contact support.
How to get a refund?
We are sorry but we can not issue a refund directly as the purchases and refunds are handled only by the Apple App Store and you can request one from this link
What is the minimum OS X requirement to run Airmail?
Airmail needs a modern Mac running OSX 10.12 or newer, 64 bit processor.
What if I see a message about having the wrong credentials?
This usually means that the password or the email address has been entered incorrectly. Be sure that you have set up an 'app-specific password' on the webmail server settings of the email account if you have enabled the 2 factor authentication or if you require such a password to access IMAP (for example -Fastmail accounts need an app-specific password even if you do not have the two-step authentication enabled).
What if there is slow initialization or a disc space usage issue?
You can avoid downloading message bodies/attachments, and you can also limit the time period for fetching old mails in the settings page as shown in the picture below. This setting can be found in Airmail
Preferences > Accounts > [Account] > More.
Can I use email encryption and digital signatures with Airmail?
Yes, Airmail includes plugin support for both S/MIME and GPGTools encryption. You can signup to be
notified when this beta is released by going to either, or both, of the following URLs, depending on which
type of encryption you prefer to use in Airmail
S/MIME - download link
GPGTools - download link
Does Airmail support IMAP protocol?
Does Airmail support POP3 protocol?
Does Airmail support Exchange server email accounts?
​Yes. The Exchange server version must be 2007 or later. How To Disable Login Requests On Mac For Scoped Bookmark Agent
Does Airmail support ActiveSync?
Not yet, but we are working to implement this. No ETA is set.
What if the Exchange endpoint URL is not working?
In case the Airmail auto-discovery fails or is not configured on your Exchange server, you can manually enter the Exchange endpoint URL. Usually, you need only the domain name or the server location and
compose the URL as follows, substituting your own “”:
Then you can test the URL in your browser. If you’re asked for your login credentials, you have successfully created it. Otherwise, the “” portion of the URL needs modification. If that still fails, talk with
your system administrator.
Can Airmail use iCloud to sync settings across multiple Macs and iOS devices?
Yes, Airmail 2 or later can sync account settings.
Is Airmail only available for purchase on the Mac App Store?
At this time, yes. If you are a business or educational institution you can use Apple’s Volume Purchase program to purchase a large number of copies.
What is your Privacy Policy?
We do not store your messages. If you enable Snooze Sync, the message ID and your email address are used to sync the snoozed message on multiple devices. We are adding more online services, and this may change in the future. Our Privacy Policy is Mac
and iOS.
GDPR and Data Processing
If you enable remote mailbox monitoring, Airmail for iOS may store some user data on our servers. if the app is not used on that specific device for 7 days all data will be removed from our servers.
You can remove your data and all connected services at this link: or contact us at with the emails you want to be removed.
How can I add a label in a Gmail account?
Airmail understands the difference between a “label” in Gmail and a “folder” in other accounts (including
Gmail folders). Select a message and then press “L” or right-click to apply a label.
Can I reinstall Airmail from the Mac App Store without paying again?How To Disable Login Requests On Mac For Scoped Bookmark Agent
​Yes. First, uninstall Airmail from your Mac and then reinstall it from the Mac App Store. If you are asked to
pay again, please log out and log in the App Store back again.
What happens when I Archive a message?
The message is moved to the 'Archive' folder or 'All Mail' folder for Gmail accounts.
Can I include the Trash and Spam folders in search results?
Yes. This involves a simple change in Airmail Preferences > Advanced.
Can I delay the sending of a message?
Yes. Airmail has a message sending delay feature that can be found in Airmail Preferences > Composing,
similar to that used in Gmail.
Can I migrate Airmail to a new Mac or new hard drive?
Absolutely. We understand there are times when you will be upgrading to a new Mac or need to change
hard drives.
From the old Mac, copy ~/Library/Containers/it.bloop.airmail2 and then paste it on the new Mac at the same corresponding path. If you still encounter issues, please contact support.
Does Airmail work with a proxy server or VPN?
In some cases Airmail may not work with your proxy server or VPN settings.
The delete/backspace key is archiving a message, but I want it to delete the message. Can I change this?
​Yes. In Airmail 3 you can customize keyboard shortcuts under the Actions section of Preferences.
How to disable login requests on mac for scoped bookmark agent diesWhy don’t I receive a notification for an email that arrives at a certain folder?
If you have rules set up in your email service (such as Gmail) to filter specific incoming messages to a
specific folder other than the inbox, you will not receive a notification sound for these messages in Airmail.
Can I configure Airmail to be my default email client?
Configuring Airmail to be the default email client on your Mac is easy. Go to the Mail app Preferences, General, and select Airmail as the “Default email reader.”
How often does Airmail check my email accounts for new mail?
By default, Airmail checks the inbox continuously (via push sync) for new messages every minute. It checks your folders every 10 minutes. But you can change these settings in Preferences.
Does Airmail support snoozing messages?
​Airmail for Mac has supported snoozing messages since version 2.6.
How can I remove a contact or an email address from my Airmail address list?
To remove all auto-suggestion addresses appearing in the Composer, refer to Delete Addresses from Airmail KB tutorial.
I have problems at login. What should I do?
​Airmail is compatible with most services, but OKTA, some VPNs, and some firewalls are incompatible and can make it not work at all.
Can I have Airmail save emails somewhere other than the startup disk?
If my Mac has two hard drives, can I have Airmail use the second hard drive (not the startup one) for saving files and app data?
No. Due to sandbox configurations, this is not possible.
Does Airmail always load images from the sender?
​Yes, and the image below shows how you can customize this.
Does Airmail has templates?
Yes, Templates are available for both Mac and iOS version of app.
Android version of Airmail?
Airmail does not have an Android version and it also not planned for the near future. If we get a lot of requests - we will surely consider them for the future!
How to use ToDo in Airmail?
​Airmail provides you with some extra folders - Todo, Memo, Done to manage your email todo tasks. You can find more details about them here.
Does Airmail support Idle feature?
​Yes, Airmail does support Idling (which allows the Airmail app to constantly check for the new messages
when the app is in the background on your Mac) and you can find the option to enable it in Airmail Preferences
> Accounts > [Select an Account] > More > Idle
For iOS, Airmail supports push notifications (for all the account types except POP3) and background fetches for the messages.
If you are facing issues for the message fetch in iOS Airmail version, please check all the settings required for the notifications.
How to include Emoji in Airmail?
​When in composer mode, you can choose Menu Bar Edit > Emoji and Symbols as shown here in the screenshot.

How to select multiple emails in Airmail?

How To Disable Login Requests On Mac For Scoped Bookmark Agent Version

For macOS - Hold Command and click on all the messages that you want to select.
For iPhone - Tap and hold on a message to enter the multi-select mode.
For iPad - Double-tap on a message to enter the multi-select mode.
What if the attachments are not moving to Evernote app from the app?
Please make sure that the attachments are already downloaded in the app before sending them to
Evernote app.
Where can I find the Outbox in the Airmail app?
You can find the unsent emails in the Draft folder, it is Outbox in Airmail app.
### Some frequently searched apps or features by the users which are currently not available or
integrated with the Airmail app are listed below:

How To Disable Login Requests On Mac For Scoped Bookmark Agent Dies

Published on: 01 / 04 / 2019