Last updated on October 11th, 2020 at 07:53 am
What will happen in your maintenance technician interview depends on the company you want to work for, and the exact job offer.

Basically, there are two possible scenarios:
If you apply for a job in a hotel chain, or in a company that manages many properties, you can expect a lengthy and difficult interview, with some behavioral questions, and also with a practical test of your abilities.
Acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for the subject of CICS. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer. BMS Interview Questions Answers, BMS Placement Papers, BMS Technical, HR Interview Questions, BMS Aptitude Test Questions, BMS Campus Placements Exam Questions in categories, Analytical Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering AllOther, General KnowledgeCurrent Affairs. May 07, 2019 I found this questions and answers very good although I have not attain my upcoming interview yet, but it give me insight knowledge possible what to expect. I preparing for Interview with NHS (Support and Recovery Worker) please can you help with any specific or likely hood questioned. Manager Interview Questions and Answers Essential Guide Feel confident and prepared by anticipating manager interview questions based on the knowledge and core competencies (skills and abilities) commonly required for success in a management job. The knowledge requirements will vary depending on the employer, level and scope of the manager job.
For example, they may let you to fix something in an interview, or even take you to one of their buildings, and ask you to look for something to fix–to look for defects, or for areas that can be improved in the building.
* A very special case is Amazon (they happen to hire many maintenance technicians at the moment), where you will have to succeed in a Amazon Maintenance Technician Test, consisting of the Amazon Ramsay Test and a few tricky behavioral interviews.
You can prepare for this challenge with the following test practice package, practicing everything once you are still at home, in your comfort zone. It will make your situation 10 times easier once you deal with the timed test as a part of your Amazon interview…
Second possible scenario:
If you apply for a job in a small company, or perhaps in a dormitory, the interview will be quite simple.
They will typically ask only a few questions about your motivation, experience, and certification. In this case, however, personal preferences of the interviewers play an important role on their decision making. You will have to make a good impression on them to have a decent chance of landing a job.
Work portfolio can help you greatly in both cases
Regardless of the company, and the interview, your work portfolio can theoretically win you this technical job contract. You should put together some pictures of you while working, for example while painting a wall, repairing an air conditioning, installing a new switch in the building, etc.
The pictures will convince the interviewers of your readiness for the job. They will not doubt your ability to actually repair stuff, once they see you doing it, once they see it on the pictures in your portfolio.
For more information on how to create, and use a portfolio in an interview, please read the following article: Work portfolio in an interview.
Technical, behavioral, and basic questions
Apart from practical tests, you can get some of the following questions in your job interview:
Why do you want to be a maintenance technician?
Tell them that you enjoy repairing stuff, that it has always been your passion and hobby. Say that you believe you will do a good job on this position.
You can also say that you had a similar position in the past, and would like to utilize your past experience in the new role, for the benefit of your new employer.
The key is to show them that you apply because you really want the job, not just because you need money, or any job, at the moment.
What motivates you in work?
An easy questions for most positions, but not really for this one. Nevertheless, you can once again stress that you enjoy doing what maintenance technicians typically do, and therefor you do not struggle with motivation in work.
If you have a family (or even want to start one), you can say that you feel responsible for them, and want to provide for them (everyone likes responsible employees, people who care for their loved ones, since such employees tend to keep their jobs, and they won’t leave when the first crisis of motivation arises).
What do you think are the ten main duties of a good maintenance technician?
Good answer to this question depends on the particular job you try to get. Study the job description carefully. Think about the problems they (may) experience in the building, and how you can help them to address them.
What is more, try to focus also on the other part of the job. Say that one of your duties is to keep your qualification up to date, to always closely monitor all the problematic areas, to be accessible to other members of the team, and to cooperate efficiently with other people who work in the building, especially in case of an emergency.
Special tip: Download the list of questions as a PDF, to practice with them later, or to use it in your interview template (if you are hiring a new maintenance technician):
interview questions for maintenance technicians, PDF
Tell me about the five most recent defects you had to repair.
They ask this question to assess your real level of experience, but also your attitude to the job, and to other people in the building.
Try to speak calmly about the defects, and do not blame anyone for causing them.
Show them that you can think systematically, and address a wide spectrum of technical problems. On the other hand, it makes no sense to go into technical details, especially if an HR generalist, or a building manager (basically someone who lacks even basic technical skills) leads the interview with you–which will be the case more often than not.
Check also: 15 most common interview questions and answers – Learn how to answer some questions you may face in any interview.
What was the most difficult technical problem you have ever solved in your life, and was there any problem you did not solve?
Bms Certification Tech Mahindra
It is good to show some humility. Nobody is perfect, and nobody can repair everything. Talk about a problem you struggled with, or even didn’t manage to solve on your own. Show us that you consider each challenge a learning experience, and that you are humble enough to ask for help–if you really need it.
Nobody wants to employ a maintenance technician who is too proud (or ashamed) to admit that they can’t repair something.
Do you think you can lead a small group of people? Do you have any experience with leading a team?
This question will come only if you apply for a position of a lead technician, or for a position in a small team of technicians (which can be the case in any bigger building, or in a hotelenvironment). Some tech people struggle with social and communication skills, and your goal is to convince us that you do not belong to this group…
In an ideal case, you should describe a positive example of you leading a team, or being a part of a team, from your professional past.
Other questions
- How would you ensure you’d maintain a professional courteous manner with all residents, vendors, contractors, and fellow employees? (Say that it is natural for you to respect other people, and that you generally do not struggle with maintaining good relationships…)
- What do you think about doing monthly inspections in buildings? Do you think it is appropriate, or the inspections should be more regular? (This depends on the job you apply for, but it never hurts to vouch for more regular inspections. You can even say that you prefer to check, or to monitor, the most crucial things on a daily basis–if there is a time to do that, of course.)
- Describe a perfect boss. (Not an easy question. A good answer is to say that you prefer to focus on your own job–trying to do it as well as you can, and that you prefer not to think much about your boss and what they are doing. Of course, you can say that a good boss should strive to create a good working environment for their subordinates, or go for a similar answer. But I suggest you to focus on your own work, and responsibilities first, and to present this attitude in an interview.)
- What are your strengths and your weaknesses? (Try to talk about strengths that are relevant for the job, or even central. To such strengths belong: responsibility, attention to detail, good observations skills, technical skills, ability to address problems independently, etc. On the other hand, you should pick some weaknesses that aren’t crucial for the job, such as lack of management or leadership skills, average communication skills, etc.)
- Describe a situation when you were under pressure in work.
- Describe a conflict you had with your colleague. (Speak about a situation with a good outcome, and show us that you try your best to avoid conflicts with your colleagues, and that the conflicts do not affect your work, at least not in a dramatic way.)
- Why should we hire you and not the another candidate? (Try to show us the value you can bring to our team. List your strengths, once again. Show us that you have the experience, and that you are ready to do the job from day one. Show some confidence, and believe into yourself, into your chances. If not you, who else should believe in them?)
Conclusion, next steps
Great technicians do not need excellent communication skills, and many of them will struggle in an interview because of that–they have the right attitude, they know how to answer the question, but they struggle to express their opinion in the right way.
If it is also your case, be sure to continue your interview preparation with the following articles:
- Salary negotiation tips – Get as much as you deserve, or even more…
- Behavioral interview questions – You can face some of these questions (dealing with conflicts, feeling pressure, failing) in each maintenance technician interview. Check the article and learn how to answer each question.
- How to get rid of interview nerves – You can’t deliver your best if you stutter, or shake with anxiety. Learn how to get rid of interview stress.
* And if you apply for Maintenance technician job with Amazon, be sure to practice for the test you will face as a part of their rigorous hiring process.
Thank you, I wish you good luck!
Well done for securing an interview for your Biomedical Scientist job application. You have done very well for graduation as this study is nearly hard as Medicine.
Whether you are new graduate or already has a work experience you should still prepare for you interview. We have put together some interview questions that you will probably be asked.
Bms Certification Questions And Answers
Are you a Biomedical Scientist and looking for a job? Make sure that you have a very well written CV. Good luck.
Biomedical Scientist Interview Questions
- What do you think the hospital is planning to achieve in the next few years?
- Where do you hope to be in the next five years?
- If an issue arises in the lab, by your own fault or others, what would you do?
- Talk to us about ISO 15189?
- What do you know about it ISO 15189?
- What was your favourite subject at the university?
- Describe quality control questions, many abbreviations we used?
- What are your career goals?
- What are your strengths? Tell us how would use them here at work.
- Why do you want to work in research?
- What motivates you?
- What do you know about full blood counts?
- Could I identify the cause of out of range results?
- Do you find there are enough hours in the day to complete your to-do list?
- Why did you applied for the job?
- Why should we hire you?
- How would you deal with patient results after a quality control failure?
- Why did you apply for this position?
- Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?
- What projects have you worked before?
- What do you think about our company? What do we do?
- What are your salary expectations?
- When did you achieve something you’re really proud of?
- What are your career plans for the future?
- Where do you still yourself in 5 years?
- Are you subscribed to any science magazine?
- Tell us about your study.
- How many hours do you sleep a day?
- When did you finish your study and what mark have you gained?